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GREATEST HITS: The Art & Death of the Astronaut

Note: This continues to be one of my favorite posts. I’ve easily found another dozen pieces of work depicting astronauts, mostly in some form of death or decay. It’s hard to track down dates of creation for most of these works. I cannot tell you whether or not the official death of the space program […]

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GREATEST HITS: 7 Interesting Facts About Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon

This post originally appeared on July 20th, but we’re reposting it as part of a series of our Greatest Hits here at List Off. It should also be noted fact six has been replaced by a new one. DAN: I decided to use this piece as my favorite list not only because Justin Vernon is one of […]

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GREATEST HITS: 7 Movies I Am Afraid To Watch Again, In Case They Suck Now

Note: This post was originally posted on July 7th, and since then I have only re-watched The Usual Suspects (and I gotta say, its still pretty great, although it had its cringe-worthy moments). Please enjoy Dan’s Greatest Hits post tomorrow, our Christmas Mega Post on Friday, and our Best of 2011 posts all next week. […]

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GREATEST HITS: 7 Older Actors Who Knew What It Meant To Be A Man

This post originally appeared on August 17th but we’re reposting it as part of a series of our Greatest Hits here at List Off. COLIN: This was my second list and remains one of my favorite things I’ve written for the site. I’ve made a few updates and edits since it was originally published in […]

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